[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: Duran lung DIr

James Landau savegraduation at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 6 15:29:23 PST 2023

Do all of you suppose philtra have something to do with the planet Durani I or its star?

>Message: 1>Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2023 14:56:04 +0000
>From: Steven Boozer <sboozer at uchicago.edu>
>To: "tlhingan-hol at kli.org" <tlhingan-hol at kli.org>
>Subject: Re: [tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: Duran lung DIr
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>Klingon Word of the Day for Sunday, November 05, 2023
>>Klingon word: Duran lung DIr
>Part of speech: noun
>Definition: Durani lizard skins (food, never uses plural suffix)
>Source: KCD
>(KCD):  Served dried and thinly sliced. Discovered by a Klingon military unit stranded on Durani I for six months without supplies.
>(MO, st.k 3/23/1998):  ? if the skin just came off either by natural causes [?] or by the creatures being, well, skinned, then the >body-part plural suffix {-Du'} may be used: {DIrDu'}.  But {DIr} alone, without a suffix, is heard most often.
>Originally spelled {Dura'ngan lung DIr} in the first draft of KCD script.
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