[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: 'arlogh

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu May 25 07:48:08 PDT 2023

Klingon word: 'arlogh
Part of speech: ques
Definition: how many times?
Source: SKNG:03FEB1999

(st.k 2/03/1999):  {'arlogh} "how many times?" a word that functions adverbially, made up of the question word {'ar} "how much? how many?" and the special number suffix {-logh} "times" (as in six times)

'arlogh Qoylu'pu'? 
How many times has (someone) heard (it)? 
How many times has it been heard? 
(i.e. What time is it?)  [st.klingon 2/03/1999]

'arlogh wab Qoylu'pu'? 
How many times has someone heard the sound? 
How many times has the sound been heard? 
(i.e. What time is it?) [st.klingon 2/03/1999]

qen 'arlogh Qoylu'pu'? 
Recently, how many times has someone heard it? 
(i.e. What time is it?) [st.klingon 2/03/1999]

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary from recent qep’a’mey 
    or qepHommey. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.

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