[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: much

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed May 24 07:08:12 PDT 2023

Klingon word: 	much
Part of speech: 	noun
Definition: 	presentation
Source: 	TKD

qaStaHvIS wa’maH tup taH much 
The presentation lasts for 10 minutes. (qep’a’ 2016)

lut mIrmey, ja’bogh muchmey, HaSta muchmey lIngbogh Netflix peS je. 
… enjoying more than 125 million hours of TV shows and movies per day, including original series, documentaries and feature films. 
(Netflix Klingon trailer announcement)

(qepHom 2017):  I think I'd use {much} for show (or even movie) rather than {ghe'naQ} (unless, of course, it really is an opera). I think {HaSta much} (or even {HaSta jIH much}) is fine for TV show.

 (De'vID < MO, 2/25/2018):  In answer to how to express "media", "video (visual recording)", and "audio (sound clip)": "Maltz didn’t think that much was quite right for media, but he also wasn’t sure what was included in media – the phenomena of video/audio/etc. or a physical (or digital) video or audio tape or file. What about print? That is, does media mean the press (as in 'freedom of the press')? Does it include 'newspaper/magazine'?

(KGT 72):  Traditional Klingon music is generally performed only by those who have had a great deal of training. The study of this type of music, whether composition or performance, is considered a discipline not unlike a martial art.

HaSta much 	feature film, movie (n)
ja’bogh much 	documentary (n)
mI'wI' much 	dance show (n)
Qe' much 	cabaret [show] (n)

much  		present,  perform (music) (v)

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary from recent qep’a’mey 
    or qepHommey. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.

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