[tlhIngan Hol] wishlist for TKD 3ed

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Tue May 16 23:54:38 PDT 2023

On Sun, May 14, 2023 at 8:39 PM Michael Kúnin via tlhIngan-Hol <
tlhingan-hol at lists.kli.org> wrote:

> What about resolving the issue of causative (i.e, {-moH}) verbs when the
> original verb is transitive?

What specifically is the issue? Is it just how to express the direct and
indirect objects?

An example with one complement: {ghoj}; what is the canon Klingon for "I
> teach him mathematics"?

We already know that this is {ghaHvaD mI'QeD vIghojmoH}.

> An example with two complements: {nob}; what is the the canon Klingon for
> "I make him give the book to them"?

I'll ask for clarification about this.

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