[tlhIngan Hol] wishlist for TKD 3ed

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue May 2 06:14:37 PDT 2023

On 4/24/2023 7:00 AM, De'vID via tlhIngan-Hol wrote:
> But are there any particular sticky points of grammar that you believe 
> need to be clarified?

The noun suffix *-'e'* should be more clearly and accurately explained. 
The existing TKD only calls it "topic," but we know that when put on the 
object or subject of a "basic sentence" it really means focus. The 
difference between topic and focus should be explained.

Speaking of which, the matter of whether you can just throw noun*'e'* at 
the front of any basic sentence to force contextualizing that sentence 
in terms of /noun/ should be addressed. If you can, a simple example 
would suffice. If you can't, a word to that effect should be mentioned.

Oh, and it would be really nice if we got an "official" name for 
sentences built out of pronouns instead of verbs. Should they be called 

And there should be a note somewhere that when the rules talk about 
basic "sentences," they really mean any subordinate clauses: purpose 
clauses, relative clauses, and other subordinate clauses. I can't count 
how many times someone has challenged me to prove that you can put 
"sentence" conjunctions between subordinate clauses — there are plenty 
of examples, but it gets tiresome to show them over and over.

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