[tlhIngan Hol] wishlist for TKD 3ed

Michael Kúnin netzakh at yahoo.com
Tue May 2 06:08:30 PDT 2023


> > I would suggest making TKD online and free;...
charghwI' 'utlh:
> That would be a great idea, in a world without copyright.> As it is, the KLI exists and offers most of what it offers because Paramount has given us a free license that it can withdraw at any time, based on whether or not it is happy with how far we go in any direction they see as interrupting an income stream. It's remarkable that people are apparently still buying TKD. Paramount probably doesn't want us to do our part to stop that from happening.
I am aware of the intellectual property rights issue, but I have a very strong impression that the money Paramount is _now_ earning from TKD is quite negligible for them; I am more concerned about compensating Dr. Okrand should TKD be moved to public domain.

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