[tlhIngan Hol] wishlist for TKD 3ed

luis.chaparro at web.de luis.chaparro at web.de
Mon May 1 04:47:20 PDT 2023

Well, first of all: THANK YOU! I think this is something most beginners like me were dreaming of! One of the biggest problems learning Klingon is that the information is *really* scattered and it's also difficult to know what's up to date.

> I have to be able to convince the publisher that the new edition will sell
> better than the previous one. The book still has to be accessible to a
> general audience. Having 10 pages on how to compare two things in Klingon,
> or having a 400+ page book that explains how to use every verb in detail,
> might be desirable to hardcore Klingonists, but will likely be considered
> off-putting to a general audience. Peppering a shorter book with examples
> drawn from the movies/TV shows is more likely to result in it getting
> published.

I fully understand the problem, but: I would be really grateful if all the information which doesn't fit in the book was somehow accesible, say online. I would certainly pay for a digital copy of it.

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