[tlhIngan Hol] baby rattle

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Wed Mar 1 11:00:00 PST 2023

My children wanted to know what is the Klingon word for the object that the
baby Klingon ({ghu}) is shown playing with in the book "Baby's First
Klingon Words". If you haven't seen it, it's a baby rattle.

I mentioned their question to Dr. Okrand and here's what he wrote back:

--- begin quote ---
[MO] regarding the baby's rattle: For a baby, an important (defining?)
characteristic of a rattle is that it makes noise. On the other hand, this
is a Klingon toy, so its resemblance to a weapon is not unimportant.
Perhaps it's a {ghu ghanjaq chuS} (though, in everyday speech, this would
likely be shortened to {ghanjaq chuS}).
--- end quote ---

You can see the object in question in this video (at around 33 seconds in):

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