[tlhIngan Hol] Aprenda Klingon

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Fri Jun 16 08:02:33 PDT 2023

Hi dear fellows,

I just discovered a new book avaiblable on Amazon, and getting to the
point: It is useless. Do not buy it!

It's all in Spanish, and it claims to teach the Klingon language. But it
surely does not. The first paragraph looks quite complete and correct,
but then, that author says that word order is like in English "SVO" -
definitely wrong. Also, all translations are wrong, and actually,
everything else is wrong too.

At some point, it really appeared to me that the author intentionally
created wrong information. A quick check-back on bing shows different
results, so why would he make such a nonsense book? -- Probably just to
make money, or maybe it's even a person who wants to fight against the
Klingon language. After all, "Juan Ortiz" is as obvious as "John Smith"
in English, so we cannot find out who made this useless, incorrect book
about Klingon.

For more deatils, see the Wiki at

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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