[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: qul qaDwI'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Jul 20 07:33:50 PDT 2023

Klingon word: qul qaDwI'
Part of speech: noun
Definition: firefighter, lit. fire challenger
Source: qepHom 2020

AFAIK not used in a sentence.

Other new words from qepHom 2020:

qul QongmoHwI' 	firefighter ("one who puts fires to sleep, but 				that's usually not applied until the fire is 
			actually out) 
qul SuvwI' 	 	firefighter (lit. fire fighter, fire warrior) 
qul tlhay'moHwI'  	firefighter (lit. fire tamer [less frequent]) 

QongmoH  		extinguish fire (lit. put to sleep, cause to sleep) 
vemmoH 	 	light a fire (lit. wake up, cause to wake up)
qul chenmoH  		light a fire, ignite

qul  			fire,  flame (PB) (n)
weQ 			candle (n)
Sech 			torch (n)
qerjIq 			fireplace (n)
tIpqan 			ash, ashes (n)
tuj 			heat (n)
meQ 			burn [be on fire] (v)

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary from recent qep’a’mey 
    or qepHommey. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.

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