[tlhIngan Hol] tlhIngan *yoga*

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Feb 2 07:25:03 PST 2023

With instructors shouting variations of these existing aphorisms:

'oy' DaSIQjaj
May you endure the pain! (PK)
yIn DayajmeH 'oy' yISIQ.
To understand life, endure pain. (TKW)

'oy'be'lu'chugh Qapbe'lu'
No pain, no gain. (TKW)
loQ 'oy'DI' SuvwI' bepbe'
A warrior does not complain about physical discomfort. (TKW)

… or even quoting scripture at you:

QIt ghaHvaD yIn Hegh je vIghojmoH ‘ej ‘oy’ SIQ ghaH
And teach him life and death, the slow and painful way! (PB)

From: tlhIngan-Hol On Behalf Of Will Martin via tlhIngan-Hol
Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2023 9:39 PM
What would Klingon yoga be like?

First off, EVERY pose is a warrior pose.

Next, there’s none of that, “If doing it this way hurts, then try this variation,” and much more “If this doesn’t hurt, then you are doing it wrong."

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