[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: jen

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Aug 31 07:14:44 PDT 2023

Klingon word: jen
Part of speech: verb
Definition: be high
Source: TKD

jen loD; Sor rur (KGT??)
[My notes say it's from KGT but I could only find {lugh; Sor rur} ("correct as a tree" when I checked [p. 133].  Does anybody recognize it or did I conflate two phrases?]

tlhIngan yoH jen verengan yoH 'eS 
The Klingon is braver than the Ferengi. [slang] (KGT)

 tlhIngan yoH 'eS verengan yoH jen 
The Klingon is braver than the Ferengi. [slang] (KGT)

QIStaq 'emDaq jenchoH jul 
The sun rises high behind the Kri'stak (PB)

'eDjen 		person who is arrogant or haughty (n)

woch 		be tall (in stature) (v)
tIn		be big, large (v)
rab 		be gigantic, huge, humongous (v)
nIv 		be superior (v)

run		be short (in stature) (v)
'eS		be low (v)
jaQ 		be deep (v)

'Iv 		altitude (n)

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary from recent qep’a’mey 
    or qepHommey. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.

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