[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: bach

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Aug 7 07:19:32 PDT 2023

Klingon Word of the Day for Monday, August 07, 2023

Klingon word: bach
Part of speech: verb
Definition: shoot

logh veQDaq bachchugh, yoH 'e' toblaHbe' SuvwI' 
Shooting space garbage is no test of a warrior's mettle. (ST5 notes [line replaced])

SuvwI' vI' Dub naQvam 'ej ray' HopDaq bachlu'meH chuqna' ghurmoH naQvam 
This serves to steady the aim of a warrior and increase the effective range for distance targeting. S14

pe'vIl mu'qaDmey tIbach 
Curse well!   TKW
[(TKW 148):  The commonly heard sendoff "Curse well!" — roughly comparable in usage to the Federation Standard Good luck! — literally means, "Shoot curses forcefully!" Curses are considered a weapon of a sort which must be propelled to their targets.]

(KGT 56):  The verb used for shoot when referring to disruptors is {bach}. Technically speaking, one shoots the energy beam from the disruptor. The general word for any energy beam (ray) is {tIH}, so a disruptor's beam is {nISwI' tIH}. Thus, the correct formation is {nISwI' tIH bach} ("shoot the disruptor beam"). As a practical matter, however, the {tIH} is often left out, and {nISwI' bach} is the common way to say shoot a disruptor. Similarly, {pu' bach} is shoot a phaser.

N.B. Klingons also use the thumb to fire some weapons:  {nISwI' HIch Sen} "fire the disruptor pistol" (lit. "use the thumb in the way it's most appropriately used on a disruptor pistol", "use the thumb to activate the disruptor pistol", "thumb the disruptor pistol".  (HQ 10.2:8) 

  “The trigger has been pulled, we have to get there before the hammer falls.” (Kirk, TOS “Errand of Mercy”)

bach  		shot (n)
   bach Do', qaH 
   A lucky shot sir... ST3

baH 		fire (torpedo, rocket, missile) (v)
puS 		sight (with gunsight) (v)
vo’ 		propel (v)

nuH 		weapon (n)
tal 		cannon (n)
nIch 		ammunition (n)

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary from recent qep’a’mey 
    or qepHommey. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.

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