[tlhIngan Hol] *-Daq* / *-vo'* - Three questions about the *paq'batlh*

Will Martin lojmitti7wi7nuv at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 13:34:05 PDT 2023

qatlho’, jupwI’. jIyaj.

chaq notlhchoH jabbI’IDghomvam, ‘ach chaq jInotlhchoH, je. jIqanchoHbej. ‘utlh jIH.qaStaHvIS wejmaH loS ben, DuSaQ’a’vaD jIvumlI'. pItlh.

be’nal wej puqpu’ nen je vIghaj. cha' puqnI’be’ vIghaj, ‘ach maSuchchuq wa’ neH jIH je. pe’ru' Dab latlh. wej Hol jatlh pe’ru'nganvam, ‘ach HolmeywIj jatlhbe’. maw’ SoSDaj. ghaHvo’ narghta’ puqloDwI’.

naDev muqaghqa’mo’ be’nalwI’ puqnI’be’ je, Qatlh QInvam vItameH Qu’. yajbe’ chaH. tlhIngan Hol yajbe’ ‘ej tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhmeH meqwIj yajbe’. poHwIj vI’anmoH ‘e’ luHar.

chaq qar.

*social media* vIlo’Qo’. jInoy vIneHbe’. nuq vISop? qatlh net SIv? jIram. ram jajwIj. ram Qu’meywIj. vay’ vIQubchugh, Hoch vIbon vIneHbe’. jImobDI’, jIbaw’.

naDev rut mujangmoH QIn. rut tlhIngan Hol vIlo’taHvIS mujangmeH poH vIHutlh, vaj pIj DIvI’ Hol vIlo’. vIyajlu’chu’ vIneH ‘ej jIyajlu’chu’meH, roD DIvI’ Hol vIwIj. DIvI’ Hol vIlo’ ‘ej vIqaghlu'chugh, qay’be’. tlhIngan Hol vIlo’chugh ‘ej vIqaghlu’chugh, jImoghbej.

jIQuch vIneH. roD jIQuch. jImoghchughlI’, jIQuchbe’lI’.

Etiquette suggests I should translate this into English for those less skilled with the language, but when I was the Beginners’ Grammarian on this list, HoD Qanqor wrote things in Klingon without translation, and it was my task to translate it for the beginners. The effort, without the fallback of skipping the Klingon and just reading the English significantly improved my skill with the language.

In that spirit, I’m not translating this message. It’s not an accidental omission. I’m trusting my skill at writing and ghunchu’wI’’s skill at reading to convey what I want to express.


charghwI’ ‘utlh
(ghaH, ghaH, -Daj)

> On Aug 3, 2023, at 1:40 PM, Alan Anderson via tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol at lists.kli.org> wrote:
> On Aug 3, 2023, at 12:12 PM, Will Martin via tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol at lists.kli.org> wrote:
>> …since my strange interest in this strange language is in having it prove that it’s mature enough to express things clearly, which is clearly a minority interest here. Perhaps a minority of one.
>> I’d like to think it’s not a hobby language that exists primarily to be poked and stretched, rather than actually used to express anything, but it’s probably a foolish thought.
> bImob'eghmoHlaw'pu'. ghomuvqa'! yIghImHa'egh! Hoch wIrIchbej. malaw'qu'. 'uQ wISopmeH matay'DI', tlhoy malaw'. ja' luneHchugh HochHom, quqnIS ja'chuqghachmey Sar.
> loQ notlhchoH jabbI'IDghomvam. DaH latlh mIw maSlu': Discord. nen Holvam, pa' 'e' DatIvlaH.
> qep'a' DajaHqa'laHjaj. DuHbe'chugh, Discord yInaw'. (SoHvaD DuHchugh qep'a' leng, Discord yInaw' je.)
> You’ve been away from the rest of us for far too long, friend. Email in general, and the tlhingan-hol list in particular, is becoming much less of a focus for the Klingon community. We’re gathered on Discord now, with a smaller secondary congregation on Facebook. There are more of us who *are* using this language to “express anything” now than can comfortably go out to dinner together. We barely fit at the same table for {ghem} last week!
> I hope you can find a way to rejoin us in person at next year’s qep'a', but if you really want to experience the language’s maturity you need to join us on Discord.
> https://www.kli.org/discord will give you an invitation to the KLI’s Discord server.
> -- ghunchu'wI'
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