[tlhIngan Hol] wishlist for TKD 3ed

James Landau savegraduation at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 27 15:47:20 PDT 2023

>Message: 2
>Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2023 13:00:00 +0200
>From: "De'vID" <de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com>
>To: tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol at kli.org>
>Subject: [tlhIngan Hol] wishlist for TKD 3ed
>>Vocabulary:- What Dr. Okrand and I are looking for specifically are gaps in the
>vocabulary relevant to Star Trek. The original TKD was intended to cover
>vocabulary needed to say anything said by a Klingon up to Star Trek III.
>The second edition's addendum added a few things from Star Trek VI and the
>early seasons of TNG. KGT added some more things from TNG and DS9 as well.
>What we would like for the new edition of TKD is to be able to cover
>anything said by any Klingon character, or anything for which there should
>be a Klingon term, up to the new shows. This includes words made up by Star
>Trek writers which haven't been given a backfit into Okrandian orthography
>(e.g., things like "gorch" and "kajunpakt" before Dr. Okrand confirmed

While I was browsing the parody website amirite.com, I was searching for parodies of the Human League's "Don't You Want Me". I found a filkish song titled "Give Me Oomox, Human". I was confused, since I had never watched Star Trek, and thought, "Is this a Klingon thing"? I wikipediaed "oomox" and discovered that oo-mox, properly spelt with a hyphen, was a /Ferengi/ thing.

Klingon doesn't have a word for it, of course -- yet. I suppose they would Klingonize this as something like *'u'matlh* ooor *'u'motlh*. So, although it's a Ferengi thing and not a Klingon thing, should Klingon have a word for oo-mox?

Also, we were without *borgh* for a long time, but we finally got it. I don't know much about the Star Trek world that I haven't learned from studying tlhIngan Hol. I guess the Trekkies here could provide a long list of animals, plants, foods, religious concepts, practices, monetary units, sports and games, etc. associated with Klingons and other Star Trek peoples.

Isn't there a list of non-canon Klingon terms at the website, too?
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