[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: 'ejyo' ra'ghomquv

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Apr 12 07:22:52 PDT 2023

Klingon word: 	'ejyo' ra'ghomquv
Part of speech: 	noun
Definition: 	Starfleet Command
Source: 	qepHom 2017

(KGT 38):  Within the Klingon Defense Force ({tlhIngan Hubbeq}), which includes the entire Klingon military apparatus, the highest officers tend to be members of influential houses, particularly the members of the ultimate military authority, the High Command ({ra'ghomquv}).

(KGT 51):  The official Klingon {QI'} is the Klingon Defense Force, or {tlhIngan Hubbeq}, which is run by the Klingon High Command, or {tlhIngan ra'ghomquv}.
(KGT 52):  The highest military officer, the head of the Klingon High Command, is the {la'quv}, usually translated Supreme Commander.
[Lieven interviews Okrand, qepHom 2017:p.15]:  
LL:     The "Klingon High Command" is called {ra'ghomquv}, and their "Operations Command" is called {yo'SeH yaHnIv}. What would be the Starfleet versions of these? 
MO:   For "Starfleet Command," another alternative is {'ejyo' ra'ghomquv}, using {ra'ghomquv}, the word for "High Command." If Starfleet Command is of a lower level of importance than Starfleet High Command, leave off the {quv}, getting {ra'ghom}. But if Starfleet Command is the highest level (but, unlike the Klingons, just doesn't use the word "High" in its name), keep the {quv}. If "Starfleet Command" is more like "Starfleet Operations Command", then go with {'ejyo'SeH yaHnIv}.

  "USFA headquarters notified of the mysterious loss of science probe vessel Antares." (TOS "Charlie X")

  "Shall I report to Spacefleet Command?" (Uhura, TOS "The Squire of Gothos")

  The Enterprise unsuccessfully attempted to contact Starfleet Control after being thrust back in time to 1964 Earth. When they successfully returned to their own time they found Starfleet Control trying to contact them. (TOS "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

Is this the same as "Space Central" (TOS "Miri"; asked to send teachers and advisors to the parallel Earth) or the equivalent of Vulcan Space Central (TOS "Amok Time")?

The Cardassian Central Command was referred to in various DS9 episodes.  It was often at odds with the Obsidian Order, the (civilian?) intelligence agency (e.g. DS9 “Improbably Cause, “The Die is Cast”, te al.).

The Vulcan High Command sent out survey missions in the mid-20th century. T'Pol's second fore-mother T'Mir was second in command of one that observed the launch of Sputnik I on October 4, 1957. (ENT “Carbon Creek”)  The High Command was specifically equated with Earth’s Starfleet in the 22nd century (ENT passim) and was headed by Administrator V’Las until he was deposed. (ENT “The Forge”)  Was the 24th century Vulcan Defense Force the successor to the High Command? 

  "I've dealt with the High Command. Vulcans can lie and cheat with the best of them." (Archer, ENT "The Forge")  

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary from recent qep’a’mey 
    or qepHommey. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.

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