[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon in Picard [spoiler-warning]

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Wed Apr 26 08:27:29 PDT 2023

This might contain spoilers.

As the third season has been aired now, I think it's okay to write about
it. I just started watching and have only seen the first episode so far.

During that first episode, when Rafi arrives on a bar on M'talas Prime
(obviously named after showrunner Terry Matalas - duh), one can see some
Klingon letters very shortly and in low quality. Nevertheless, they are
clear to read.

The first line has the letters {(e)y tISoQ}, the second ends with {mat},
perhabs preceded by an apostrophe, which would make sense being the word

Does anyone have any information about who made this, or what it is
supposed to mean? I would believe that the first word is a translation
of "close the..." and it's clear that the suffix {-moH} is missing
there, so it's possible that a non-expert made this using the dictionary
and misused the word {SoQ}; Or they wanted to say "be closed" but then
the prefix is wrong.

Unfortunately, the end credits do not mention any names I know of, nor
any Klingon language supervisor.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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