[tlhIngan Hol] wishlist for TKD 3ed
Melanie Roney
nahqun at gmail.com
Mon Apr 24 04:17:40 PDT 2023
So I think I've got everything (in fact, we'll have to make editorial
decisions to cut some things, e.g., the section on comparisons is way too
long right now, compared to other points of grammar; and we can't possibly
explain how every verb is used grammatically).
If you've already put in the work, and the information is useful, don't cut
it out.
Similar arguments were made for the 2nd edition of the Star Trek
Encyclopedia. The 3rd edition ended up including the longer entries.
We're not getting a 4th edition TKD, so go ahead and include it in the 3rd.
~Melanie Roney
Sent from my Palm Prē
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