[tlhIngan Hol] Go and come, know, impersonal verbs

luis.chaparro at web.de luis.chaparro at web.de
Sun Apr 9 07:55:29 PDT 2023

Hi! I have three quick questions:

1. In English, if you want to say that you are approching the position of your interlocutor, you use the verb *come*: *I'm coming!* In German too: *Ich komme!*. But in Spanish we use *go*: *¡(Ya) voy!*. Does Klingon work like English/German, like Spanish or in a completely different way?

2. If I say something like: *When I saw it, I knew it would work*, the verb *know* doesn't actually mean *to have some knowledge*, but rather *to understand*, *to get to know*. You analyze the solution and you come to a conclusion: *It will work*. Should I use here *-choH*?: *Qap 'e' vISovchoH*. Or should I use some other verb?

3. Are there other impersonal verbs in Klingon apart from meterological verbs like *SIS*? *It's cold / hot* is translated with *jIbIr / jItuj*. But how about *It's early / late*, for example?
Thank you!

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