[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: ngeq

Will Martin lojmitti7wi7nuv at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 07:23:20 PDT 2022

Just to be explicit about this, {ngeq} is a verb AND NOT A NOUN. Some homophones are both, but there’s no evidence that this is a noun. The database should be updated, unless there’s some evidence I haven’t seen that this is a noun.

Okrand, of course, can make it a noun with a wave of his hand...


charghwI’ ‘utlh
(ghaH, ghaH, -Daj)

> On Sep 13, 2022, at 1:23 AM, Lieven L. Litaer <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:
> Am 07.09.2022 um 16:12 schrieb Steven Boozer:
>> Klingon Word of the Day for Wednesday, September 07, 2022
>> Klingon word: 	ngeq
>> Part of speech: 	noun
>> Definition: 	store, hoard, cache
>> Source: 	qepHom 2021
>> _______________________________________________
>> It's a verb according to http://klingon.wiki/En/NewWordsQepHom2021
> Yes, indeed. The word page comfirms that and gives more information:
> http://klingon.wiki/Word/Ngek
> ----------------
> MO: Make use of the verb ngeq "store, hoard, cache." When referring to
> memorizing something or knowing something by heart, the usual expression
> is along the lines of
> ghuQ ngeqpu' qawwIj
> "I've memorized the poem" (literally "my memory has stored the poem").
> Q: Can this verb be used to store food, or different things? We do have
> the term for "food storage" Soj polmeH pa'.
> MO: There's a subtle difference between ngeq and pol. The act of moving
> or putting things somewhere to store them is ngeq; just keeping them
> there is pol. So if I see you putting the groceries into the food
> storage room, I can say Soj Dangeq. If I visit your house and snoop
> around and see food already in the storage room, I might make an
> observation and say Soj Dapol. In many cases, of course, the distinction
> is minor or irrelevant, so either word could be used. For memorizing,
> ngeq is the word in the idiom even though, once the poem or whatever is
> memorized, pol might make more sense. Maltz didn't know why.
> Q: Can this verb be used in the computer meaning sense? To "save" /
> "store" a file on a disk?
> MO: Yes. Both words can.
> (qepHom 2021)
> ----------------
> --
> Lieven L. Litaer
> aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"
> http://www.tlhInganHol.com
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