[tlhIngan Hol] adverb {rut} {motlh} and aspect {-pu'}

D qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue May 3 05:40:08 PDT 2022

> Whether or not -pu' is used doesn't depend on the
> meaning of the adverbial, but on the meaning of the sentence. If you're
> describing specific instances of actions, use -pu'. If you're describing
> habits or tendencies without specific instances, don't use -pu'.
> The perfective doesn't come from the adverbial.

I'm happy to read your comments, SuStel and ghunchu'wI', because as it
seems I was still seriously misunderstanding everything regarding

I was under the impression that the way to approach aspect was "In
case of adverb A use {-pu'}, in case of adverb B don't use {-pu'}",
which was obviously wrong. Anyway, I think I understand now, but
before moving on, I'd like to ask the following in order to be

> During the previous summer, I often ate pizza.
> (You're describing specific instances of pizza-eating, so this is perfective.)
> During the previous summer, I would often eat pizza.
> (You're describing a tendency to eat pizza.
> That would is the key to recognizing the imperfective nature of the idea.)

If I understand this correctly, then I could write:

During the previous summer, I never/always ate pizza.
(I'm describing specific instances of (not) pizza-eating, so this is perfective)
During the previous summer, I would never/always eat pizza.
(I'm describing a tendency to (not) eat pizza, so this is imperfective)

Would you agree with the above?

> Incidentally, none of your Klingon sentences imply "in the past".

Yes, you're right. While I was writing the initial post I thought of
placing a time-stamp implying  "in the past", but I omitted it for
simplicity reasons.

Ζεὺς ἦν, Ζεὺς ἐστίν, Ζεὺς ἔσσεται· ὦ μεγάλε Ζεῦ

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