[tlhIngan Hol] moon ph(r)ases, new adverbial {loQHa'}

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Fri May 27 04:26:48 PDT 2022

On Fri, 27 May 2022 at 12:26, D qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

> 'oqranD:
> > maS loQHa' So'lu'bogh
> > maS loQ So'lu'bogh
> Shouldn't in both these cases the {maS} be {maS'e'} in order for it to
> be able to precede the adverb?

I think it would be better if {-'e'} is present, but I'm not sure if it's
necessary. Maybe someone else can clarify.

TKD section 6.7 says "The adverbial may actually follow the object noun
(but still precede the verb) when the object noun is topicalized by means
of the noun suffix {-'e'}", but it doesn't say it can't do so if {-'e'} is
absent. So at least it's not explicitly ruled out in TKD. I guess someone
will now have to pull up all the relevant info on head nouns and adverbials
in relative clauses revealed since TKD to justify one way or the other
whether {-'e'} is required here.

Dr. Okrand also wrote that these are "descriptions. They’re commonly used,
but they’re not frozen forms. So they can be manipulated grammatically." I
imagine that, if they were actually to be used in a sentence, you'd have to
put the {loQ[Ha']} after the {maS} to make it clear that it's, e.g.,
{maS['e'] loQ So'lu'bogh vIlegh} "I see the slightly-hidden moon" and not
{loQ maS So'lu'bogh vIlegh} "I slightly see the hidden moon".

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