[tlhIngan Hol] 'op after the noun

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 04:56:06 PDT 2022

(This is a continuation of a thread I'd started on July 16 2020:

On the other hand, perhaps the {'op} is the number equivalent of {-lu'}.

Meaning that as the {-lu'} talks about an indefinite subject, in a similar
manner the {'op} talks about an unknown/unspecified number/quantity of crap.

The definition of {'op} is given as "some, an unknown or unspecified
quantity", and this reminds me of the unspecified flavor of {-lu'}.

If all this is correct, and the {'op} is indeed the number equivalent of
{-lu'}, then it can't be placed after a noun.

Because if it works like numbers, then placing it after the noun would be
like writing {tlhInganpu' jav} and expecting it to be understood as "six of
the klingons", which isn't possible to do since according to Ca'Non
{tlhInganpu' jav} would mean "klingons number six".

Let alone that if {'op} is indeed the number equivalent of {-lu'}, then
what would {tlhInganpu' 'op} mean? For some reason this reminds me of the
{-lu'wI'} which although grammatically correct, it actually makes no sense.

Of course the counter-argument could be that "even if {'op} is indeed the
number equivalent of {-lu'}, then why would you find its' placement after
the noun strange, while you don't find anything strange with it being
placed before it?".

But the answer would be simple: "Because we have Ca'Non where the {'op} is
placed before the noun".

Anyways, I just wanted to add these thoughts to this thread. So I'll shut
up now.

Ζεὺς ἦν, Ζεὺς ἐστίν, Ζεὺς ἔσσεται· ὦ μεγάλε Ζεῦ
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