[tlhIngan Hol] {So'} and {-'egh} is there a difference between {jISo'} and {jISo''egh}

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Mar 18 06:13:43 PDT 2022

On 3/18/2022 9:01 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> In Greek if we want to say "the officer is hiding in the engine room", 
> we'll say "the officer is hiding in the engine room".
> But I've noticed in English one could or maybe even *would* say "the 
> officer is hiding himself in the engine room".
> And this confuses me. As Americans, do you see/feel any difference 
> between saying "the officer is hiding in the engine room" and "the 
> officer is hiding himself in the engine room?"
> Because I wonder, which of the two I should say:
> {jonta' pa'Daq So' yaS} or {jonta' pa'Daq So''egh yaS}?

*jonta' pa'Daq So''egh yaS.* The subject of *So'* causes the object to 
be hidden.

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