[tlhIngan Hol] wej pay'an taQ lutu’ CERN ‘otlhtejpu’

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Jul 6 08:19:32 PDT 2022


marIchmeH vabDot mu’tay’ lI’ wIghaj:
HeySel                                atom (n)
SuqSIv                                 core (use for nucleus?) (n)
pay'an                                 particle (n)
yomIj                                   neutron (n)
tem                                      electron (n)
'otlh                                     photon (n)
valtIn                                   proton (n)
ngochjuH                           quark (n)
ngIng                                   have a negative charge (v)
ruS                                       have a positive charge (v)

‘ach wa’ mu’ potlh wIHutlh:
*ngeQmoHwI’’a’              supercollider (??)

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary or notes from the last
    year or two. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.

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