[tlhIngan Hol] thoughts on the perfective {-pu'}

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Sat Jul 16 05:31:32 PDT 2022

On 7/16/2022 4:19 AM, D qunen'oS wrote:
> As a side note to this, I find it interesting that it's {bIyIntaHvIS 
> bIchul ’e’ Da’aghta’}, rather than {bIchul ’e’ Da’aghta’ bIyIntaHvIS}, 
> a thing which shows that the {'e'} of a sao can refer to something 
> preceding the sentence which it has as an object.

It doesn't show that. The *'e'* refers to the immediately preceding 
sentence, *bIyIntaHvIS bIchul.* *'e'* doesn't just refer only to 
independent clauses, but to entire sentences.

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