[tlhIngan Hol] {vaj} the english "so" and joining multiple {-bogh} phrases by {vaj}

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Jul 20 06:44:23 PDT 2022

On 7/20/2022 9:31 AM, D qunen'oS wrote:
> The thing I observe is that the examples of Merriam-Webster where the 
> English "so" functions as a conjunction, are the examples which if I 
> was to translate in Klingon I'd use the {vaj}; but the {vaj} in 
> Klingon is supposed to be an adverb and not a conjunction. On the 
> other hand, I don't think any of the Merriam-Webster examples where 
> "so" acts as an adverb could be translated by the Klingon adverb {vaj}.
> So, either there's something here which I'm serious misunderstanding, 
> or this is the case of another intentional attempt, to "alienize" a 
> language crawling with terran puns.

The grammar is simply different.

In an English sentence like /Be quiet so he can sleep, /you have two 
independent clauses: /be quiet/ and /he can sleep./ The word /so/ joins 
them together with a connotation of purpose.

In Klingon, there are two ways to translate this. One is *QonglaHmeH 
ghaH, yItam'eghmoH,* and this is probably the more accurate translation, 
but this is not what we're talking about.

The other way to translate is is *yItam'eghmoH; vaj QonglaH ghaH.* This 
is two sentences, not one. The *vaj* is not a conjunction: it is an 
adverbial, telling us the manner in which the action occurs. It tells us 
that the ability to sleep occurs in the manner of a consequence. An 
alternative English translation of this Klingon might be /Be quiet! He 
will be able to sleep as a result./

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