[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: puq Hol

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Jan 4 08:37:06 PST 2022

Klingon Word of the Day for Saturday, January 01, 2022

Klingon word: 	puq Hol
Part of speech: 	noun
Definition: 	baby talk (chilren's language)

(KGT 34):  When speaking to small children, particularly babies who have not yet started speaking, Klingon adults often incorporate some or all of these aspects of children's speech--particularly the distinctive pronunciations. This form of speech is called {puq Hol} (literally, "child's language"), though a better Federation Standard translation might be baby talk. It is entirely inappropriate for an adult or even an older child to use {puq Hol} except when speaking to a baby, though it is occasionally used when speaking to pets. Using {puq Hol} to an adult is highly insulting and degrading. Visitors from other cultures should be aware that this proscription applies to the interaction between mates and potential mates. Unlike in some other places in the galaxy, use of {puq Hol} is not a part of any Klingon courting ritual, nor is it a sign of affection between two adults.

(KGT 32):  A minority of children pronounce {tlh} as {ch}, particularly at the end of syllables. For example, {qatlh} (why) is pronounced {qach}, and {botlh} (middle) is {boch}. Though the resulting forms may be real, though different, words ({qach}, for example, is "structure, building", and {boch} means "be shiny"), there is seldom any confusion because the identically pronounced words are used in such different contexts.

Some examples of {puq Hol} :

  SuvwI' ghaH vavoy'e' 
  My daddy is a warrior. (childish error!) KGT

  nuqDaq bIH ngop'e' 
  Where are the plates? (childish error!) KGT

ghogh 		voice (n)
mu’ 		word (n)
'InDogh  	syllable (n)
wab  		sound, noise (n) 
wab naQ 	vowel (n)
wab poD 	consonant (n)

QIch 		speech [vocal sounds] (n)
  - (De'vID < MO, 2/17/2018):  TKD glosses {QIch} as "speech (vocal sounds)". The notation "(vocal sounds)" is intended to denote that "speech" here means the phenomenon of speech as opposed to an address or oration – that’s {SoQ}. So {QIch} doesn’t refer to individual speech sounds or speech sounds collectively. An individual speech sound is {QIch wab} and speech sounds collectively are {QIch wabmey}. Pronunciation could be {QIch wab Ho’DoS}, more literally (but awkwardly) "speech-sound manner, speech-sound technique".

qol 		pronounce (v)
  -  (De'vID < MO, 1/16/2019):  the word for pronounce is {qol}. You’d use this, for example, to ask how to pronounce a word:  {chay’ mu’vam qollu’?} "How is this word pronounced?"  {qol} refers to articulation; it does not mean pronounce in the sense of "proclaim, declare, decree." 

tlhen 		sound as, produce the sound of (v)
  - (qep’a’ 2021): Use with sound nouns, e.g., {bobDar tlhen} "(it) produces a splash sound” 

BTW did everyone catch the pun in the noun {bobDar} "splash"?  (I only did two weeks ago!)

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary or notes from the last 
    year or two. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.

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