[tlhIngan Hol] difference between the nouns {Segh} and {mut}

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Fri Jan 28 00:49:45 PST 2022

On Fri, 28 Jan 2022 at 02:07, DloraH <seruq at bellsouth.net> wrote:

> > [...] Even if the story's premise is true, human beings still
> have more genetic code in common with an oak tree than with a
> > Cardassian. This explanation raises even more questions and
> > impossibilities than it answers. [...]
> chay' SpockvaD Sorpuq 'Iw HIj Amanda chI'ID?

I think this was just a coincidence, but because of the sentence about "an
oak tree", and the previous discussion about compounds, I read {Sorpuq} as
"treechild" instead of "copper", and got momentarily confused about why
Amanda's uterus should be carrying oak tree blood. (I also misread {'Iw
HIj} as {'Iw HIq} at first.)

That's a point in favour of refraining from making compound nouns.

(And if you did it on purpose, well done.)

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