[tlhIngan Hol] adverb {vaj} conjunction "then" "thus" "and then" "and thus"

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Jan 25 07:17:52 PST 2022

On 1/25/2022 10:02 AM, Will Martin wrote:
> I concede your point, though I still think it’s poor form, given that 
> Okrand gave us a category of words as conjunctions and he gave us a 
> category of words as adverbials and never suggested that any word 
> could be both. He apparently considers {vaj} to be both, 
> simultaneously, and he is humanity’s primary Klingon grammarian.

He's not using it as a conjunction. He's just not being too concerned 
about distinguishing one sentence from another. This is a common theme 
in Klingon: independent clauses pushed together when their meanings are 
tightly bound together. This really shouldn't surprise us: every type of 
sentence-as-object exhibits this same behavior.

And let's not forget that Klingon grammarians consider *'ej* and *vaj* 
to be ultimately of the same part of speech, so it's not surprising if 
the difference between their syntactic functions is a little vague.

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