[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: logh chal je 'angweD qach
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Jan 20 07:54:32 PST 2022
Klingon word: logh chal je 'angweD qach
Part of speech: noun
Definition: planetarium (building)
Source: qepHom 2016
I.e. the building itself, e.g. from an architectural point of view or as a landmark. {logh chal je ‘angweD} "planetarium" presumably refers to the service, organization or work performed in the building more generally.
The distinction between shows up elsewhere:
paq nojwI’ tum library [service] (public) (n)
paq nojwI’ qach library (building) (n)
QIn tum postal service (n)
QIn tum qach post office (building) (n)
... or when there are several components within one building:
bo'DIj court (of law) (n)
bo'DIj pa' courtroom (n)
bo'DIj qach courthouse (n)
much presentation, (television) show (n)
muchpa' theater, auditorium (n)
much qach theater (i.e. building) (n)
(MO to De'vID, 3/2015 < FOTSN/FFN): If Bloomsbury Theatre refers to the whole building -- auditorium, lobby, dressing rooms, {puchpa'mey}), not just the room where the performance takes place -- he'd go with {much qach}.
logh (outer) space (n)
chal sky, heavens (n)
‘angweD museum (n)
qach building (n)
renwI' designer, architect (n)
qurbuSwI' architect [Morskan dialect] (n)
'agh show, demonstrate, display (v)
much present, perform (music) (v)
ren design, map out, plan (v)
Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
Please contribute relevant vocabulary or notes from the last
year or two. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.
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