[tlhIngan Hol] adverbs acting on each other adverbs referring to each other

Will Martin willmartin2 at mac.com
Tue Jan 18 06:38:34 PST 2022

The other thing to remember here is that the word {qunI’} wasn’t added to the vocabulary until 2020. Before that, we just had {chuvmey}. It could well be the case that, just as (native) Klingon linguists were previously rumored to have only three classes of words (DIp, wot, chuvmey), which {qunI’} proves to be inaccurate, Klingon linguists might well have different types of {qunI’} with other names for them, just as {qunI’} is another name for a type of {chuvmey}. English has a category of word called “adverb”, but that doesn’t mean Klingon is locked into a single word for all subtypes. There may be other terms we simply don’t know yet.

> On Jan 18, 2022, at 6:19 AM, mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> lieven:
> > The analysis is on the page Word order in the Wiki:
> > http://klingon.wiki/En/WordOrder <http://klingon.wiki/En/WordOrder>
> For the altruistic purpose of helping others follow this thread with ease, but more for the selfish reason of helping myself when I pdf this thread and add it to my notes, I'll perform a glorious copy-paste of the relevant part of that honorable page..
> **********wiki quote in rich text starts**********
> relative ordering of Adverbials
> There are no written rules about the ordering of adverbials, but there seems to be a scheme based on canon examples.
> Each adverbial apparently applies to all that follows.
> Degree of certainty seems to precede the scope of the expected delay before the action, and that precedes the quality of the action.
> Since vaj tends to connect what follows it to a clause or sentence that preceded it, that should come before all else.
> It seems almost as if there were types of adverbs similar to the way Klingon has types of verb suffixes <http://klingon.wiki/bin/view/En/VerbSuffixes>, based on the following canon examples: chaq batlh bIvangqa'laH 
> You might have a chance to make amends. 
> (paq'batlh <http://klingon.wiki/bin/view/En/Paqbatlh> p. 100-101) chaq tugh batlh Heghmo' 'ej chaq tugh charghmo' 
> For they may soon die with honor! For they may soon be victorious! 
> (paq'batlh <http://klingon.wiki/bin/view/En/Paqbatlh> p. 120-121) reH batlh SuvtaHjaj chaH 
> Let endless battle and honor await them! 
> (paq'batlh <http://klingon.wiki/bin/view/En/Paqbatlh> p. 150-151) vaj pe'vIl joqqu' cha' tlhIngan tIqDu' 
> Both Klingon hearts beat, at their strongest, in lust for blood. 
> (paq'batlh <http://klingon.wiki/bin/view/En/Paqbatlh> p. 166-167) Possible interpretation:
> Type 1 	vaj
> Type 2 	chaq 
> Type 3 	tugh 
> Type 4 	batlh 
> You probably can't have two of the same type, and you can have zero or one of each type in any verb clause. 
> **********wiki quote in rich text ends**********
> -- 
> Dana'an
> https://sacredtextsinklingon.wordpress.com/ <https://sacredtextsinklingon.wordpress.com/>
> Ζεὺς ἦν, Ζεὺς ἐστίν, Ζεὺς ἔσσεται· ὦ μεγάλε Ζεῦ
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