[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: 'olQan
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Jan 13 07:46:20 PST 2022
Klingon word: 'olQan
Part of speech: noun
Definition: gap
Source: qep'a' 25 [2018]
(qep'a' 2018): like the space between your teeth or the area between rows of seats in a theater, but it (and {‘olQanmey}) can be used for the space in a room, space on a desk, etc. A verb commonly used with {‘olQan} is {‘uch}. This generally means "hold, grasp", but when the object is {‘olQan} it’s often translated "occupy" or "take up.")
“I have no proof but I believe that {nu'Qan} is somehow related to {'olQan}, as they both refer to some kind of gap. (And talking of puns: they start with ‘new’ and ‘old’, and I don't think that's a coincidence).” (Lieven, 10/05/2021)
Cf. http://klingon.wiki/En/Spacing
nu’Qan alcove (n) (qep'a' 2021)
logh (outer) space (n)
QemjIq hole (n)
qung hole in a musical instrument (n)
DIn open entryway (to corridor, tunnel, conduit, Jeffries
tube, branch of sewer, etc.) (n)
Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
Please contribute relevant vocabulary or notes from the last
year or two. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.
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