[tlhIngan Hol] Introducing oneself in Klingon: Beginner's question

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 02:18:30 PST 2022

On Wed, 5 Jan 2022 at 12:47, Will Martin <willmartin2 at mac.com> wrote:

> So, that’s my recommendation. SuStel becomes the Grammarian and some
> beginner who is talented, yet incomplete in their grasp of the language
> becomes Beginners’ Grammarian for a limited term, and we continue passing
> the baton around in order to grow the population of qualified grammarians.

Is there a formal process for electing a new BG? The last time this came
up, a few people commented but basically nothing happened.

In fact, looking back at the previous thread, we had a volunteer (kechpaja)
fitting your criteria, but nothing was done:

Maybe the problem is that there isn't enough traffic on the mailing list
(which was the reason 'arHa' stepped down in the first place). Maybe the
KLI BG's job should expand to include Discord and Facebook, where there is
also a considerable amount of traffic. Maybe nobody cares about the vacant
BG post because it seems not very important due to the BG not having very
much to do right now, but if the BG gets their own Discord channel and has
first reply rights on the Facebook "Learn Klingon" group, people will start
caring about it.

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