[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: 'orayngan

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Jan 19 11:43:31 PST 2022

Klingon Word of the Day for Saturday, January 15, 2022

Klingon word: 	'orayngan
Part of speech: 	noun
Definition: 	Orion

(Lieven < MO, 12/11/2018):  I'd probably go with {'orayya'} to match other planet (and place) names ending with {-ya'} like {DenIbya'} and {'orghenya'}.  But there are also non-{ya'} versions of these:  {DenIb}, {'orghen}.  It's not clear why {-ya'} is (apparently) optional, but, given that that seems to be the case, there could be both {'orayya'} and {'oray}.  All of which is a long way of saying that your {'oray} for Orion (the planet) and {'orayngan} for Orion the person/being/inhabitant are fine (as are {'orayya'} and {'orayya'ngan}).

'oraynganpu'vaD puH noblu' 
The land was given to the Orions (DSC/LLL "Will You Take My Hand")

qo'wIjDaq, HeSwI', toy'wI''a' mechwI' je chaH 'orayngan'e' 
In my world, the Orions are delinquents, pirates, slave traders.
(DSC/LLL "Will You Take My Hand")

Orions were first mentioned in TOS “Journey to Babel”. They opposed the entry of Coridan into the Federation as that would make it more difficult to loot/raid the planet.

Painstiks are used by Orion guards to control prisoners in the slave processing station on Verex III. (ENT "Borderland")

In 2154 Chancellor M'Rek is said to be fond of "negotiating" with Orion women. (ENT "The Augments")

The Orion trader Harrad-Sar served what appeared to be a roast *targ* to Archer and Reed on his ship. (ENT "Bound")

There is an Orion market on Kronos (DSC "Will You Take My Hand?")

(qov, 11/03/2011):  I've been persuaded that the species name Kolari is more accurate than Orion for the green-skinned raiders, and that Klingon history suggests that they would have learned the name from the people themselves and not via the Federation. Thus they are now {qo'larnganpu'}."

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary or notes from the last 
    year or two. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.

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