[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: qa'rol

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Jan 7 07:38:54 PST 2022

Klingon word: 	qa'rol
Part of speech: 	noun
Definition: 	a really big bird
Source: 	HQ:v10n4p4

ghIq jach qa'rol maQ 'oH HemHa'choH 'ej cho'choH moratlh 
Then the {qa'rol} raises voice, the signal for Morath to lose his 
  pride and claim a throne.  (PB)

jachDI' qa'rol yIwuq | nIteb bIwuqnIS | ngeD Qu'vam 
Decide when the {qa'rol} cries, The choice is yours, And
  it is obvious.  (PB)

(HQ 10.4:4):  [A {notqa'} is] nowhere near as large as a {qa'rol}, which is really big

(qep’a’ 2020):  {jach} is a good verb to describe what a {jajlo' Qa'} does.

(HQ 10.4:5):  The plural suffix for birds is usually {-mey}, the general plural suffix, as would be expected. There is a difference of opinion, however, about which plural suffix to use for a few birds capable of mimicking speech, such as the {vIlInHoD} and the {qaryoq} (and the larger {qaryoq'a'}), with some Klingons using {-mey} but others preferring {-pu'}, the plural suffix for beings capable of using language.

The character Big Bird on Sesame Street is played by actor Carroll (Ed) Spinney.

notqa'  		a large, black bird (n)
vIlInHoD  	a bird capable of mimicking speech (n)
qaryoq  	a bird capable of mimicking speech (n)

bo'Degh 	bird [general term] (n)
neb 		beak, bill (n)
tel 		wing (n)
bo 		feather (n)
yanwo' 		nest (n)
QIm 		egg (n)

ghogh  		voice (n) 
wab  		sound,  noise (n)
lu'lap 		beep noise (n)
  - {lu'lap tlhen} "(it) produces a beep noise" (qep’a’ 2021)

ghugh 		vocalize (by animals) (v)
jach  		scream, cry out, shout, yell, roar (v)
tlhen  		sound as, produce the sound of (v)
chuS 		be noisy (v)
wom 		peck [both for eating and attacking by pecking] (v)
ngun  		perch (v)
puv		fly (v)
Saq 		land [if a bird alights on the ground] (v)
tlhot 		land [if it lands on the water] (v)

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary or notes from the last 
    year or two. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.

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