[tlhIngan Hol] difference between the nouns {Segh} and {mut}

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Jan 27 13:20:36 PST 2022

As impossible as faster-then-light travel?  <g>

There was a sort of in-universe explanation for this:  Following clues provided by Professor Richard Galen, Capt. Picard, Klingon Capt. Nu'Daq, Cardassian Gul Ocett, and an unnamed Romulan Commander raced to discover a four-billion-year-old genetically encoded message from an ancient humanoid species. (who may have been “The Preservers.”  Since we’re all humanoid species are genetically related this explains how we’re able to interbreed.  It probably explains why the Universal Translator works since the language centers in our brains are similar.  According to Memory Alpha, TNG “The Chase” was “inspired by Carl Sagan's novel Contact<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contact_(novel)>, in which clues to the nature of the universe are discovered in a long calculation of π (pi).”
See https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/The_Chase_(episode)


From: tlhIngan-Hol On Behalf Of SuStel

Star Trek's cross-breeding aliens are so outrageously impossible that to even try to make sense of it is an endeavor doomed to failure. Such characters are almost always writers' attempts to introduce a human perspective into an otherwise alien culture, at least in early stories. Once a franchise establishes that hybridization is inexplicably and freely available, hybrid characters start to show up simply because of the sheer impossibility of them not to.

This is an instance where one must simply suspend one's disbelief and move on.
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