[tlhIngan Hol] Klingonia corpus

James Landau savegraduation at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 21 15:42:29 PST 2022

I just found a link to Iikka Hauhio's Klingonia Corpus from the Klingon Wiki. For those who haven't seen it before, it's up at: https://korpus.klingonia.fi/

It's great to see *HarqIn* (which was my request) getting use. (I've also found *HarqIn* in a Klingon blog by googling, and I saw 'enru mentioning the word in the comments section for a chabal tetlh request lately.) I didn't get any hits for *DannI'* nor for *rosmaH*, though.

Very cool to see mayqel's texts on the Greek gods in the corpus! I've come across them by chance when doing Google searches before, so obviously they're from the webpages subcorpus.

I think I may have found a mistake in the Tatoeba sentences, though. When I did a search on *loDHom*, I found this sentence. "Both boys have autism" is translated as *ngor cha' loDHompu'vam*. Shouldn't *ngor* be *ngur*?

majQa', Iikka!
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