[tlhIngan Hol] verb prefix when the object noun is topicalized by {-'e'} and precedes the adverb

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Jan 19 11:17:03 PST 2022

On 1/19/2022 2:13 PM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> lieven:
> > Of course, the prefix has to accomodate
> > its object, so it surely is {romuluSnganpu'e' DaH tIHIv}.
> Thanks for taking the time to reply!
> lieven:
> > {qagh vIvut. nom yISop.}
> SuStel:
> > The object of Sop in that sentence is 'oH.
> > It has been elided as allowed. It looks like
> > the yI- is agreeing with the qagh, but
> > really it's agreeing with the pronoun
> > whose antecedent is qagh.
> I hadn't realized that! So in the {romuluSnganpu'e' DaH tIHIv} the 
> object of {tIHIv} isn't the {romuluSnganpu'}, but rather an elided {chaH}.

Nonono. In Lieven's example two sentences, the object of the second 
sentence is an elided *'oH.* In *romuluSnganpu''e' DaH tIHIv,* the 
object of the verb is *romuluSnganpu''e'.* It's just been moved to the 
front of the sentence for emphasis.

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