[tlhIngan Hol] "Seasons of Love" in Klingon / And two grammatical questions

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Mon Jan 10 07:54:26 PST 2022

On 1/10/2022 10:41 AM, Will Martin wrote:
> I think we disagree less than you think. Yes, punctuate liberally in 
> order to make yourself as clear as possible TO YOUR AUDIENCE. In this 
> case, the audience is a group of humans who are learning Klingon as a 
> non-primary language. Those humans may better understand what you 
> write because of your use of punctuation that fits the conventions of 
> the not-Klingon language common to members of your audience.
> What I object to is the suggestion that we have the slightest clue how 
> punctuation is used by Klingons when they write using their native 
> language.

No one is talking about that. Luis is asking how /he/ should write 
things to /us,/ the Klingon-speaking people of the real world.

We have no canonical information on punctuation in *pIqaD,* or really 
anything else about it. Worf saying /teehongee jee!/ is more informative 
to us than any Klingon writing we've seen prior to /Star Trek: Discovery./

> This message's thread was driven by a person who seemed to be seeking 
> the authoritative, generalizable rules for using punctuation in a 
> specific instance as a kind of formula for using punctuation properly. 
> I think that person needs to realize that there are no known rules for 
> the use of punctuation in Klingon. I really think he intended to take 
> what advice we give as an anchor point for future use of “correct” 
> punctuation, and as a student, he needs to know that there is no 
> “correct” use of punctuation in Klingon.

No, I don't think that's what Luis has been asking. He's concerned with 
groupings of noun phrases and what ways they can be interpreted. 
Punctuation was offered as a tool for disambiguating and clarifying, but 
it doesn't reach the core of what Luis has been asking.

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