[tlhIngan Hol] I'm gonna jay' you up, you a-hole
mayqel qunen'oS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Sat Jan 8 02:53:40 PST 2022
One of the many reasons I love - correction - I jay' adore owls, is
because they mean business. No mellow "go along to get along"
bullshit. It's their glorious attitude of "You just stay right there
a-hole, and I'm coming to jay' you up". And the face and body language
of the owl in this picture, perfectly expresses the above.
jIHvaD lIrmey parHa'moHbogh ngoDmey law' tu'lu' - jIugh'eghchoHmoH -
jIHvaD lIrmey QejmoHbogh ngoDmey law' tu'lu' jay'. naSchoHlaH lIrmey;
wa' ngoD 'oH ngoDvam'e'. < reH mayeqqangtaH > not lIrmey chIw
mu'meyvam. < pa' yIratlh, Sa'Hut qung, qaghoS, 'ej qavIrgh jay' >
vangmeH Ho'DoSchaj chIwchu' mu'meyvam'e'. mIlloghvamDaq wa' lIr
tu'lu', 'ej Hoch vIjatlhpu'bogh chIwchu' lIrvam qab, lIrvam porgh
tu'qom je.
Ζεὺς ἦν, Ζεὺς ἐστίν, Ζεὺς ἔσσεται· ὦ μεγάλε Ζεῦ
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