[tlhIngan Hol] retiring the role of Beginner's Grammarian
Will Martin
willmartin2 at mac.com
Fri Jan 7 13:56:04 PST 2022
We’ve had over half a dozen BGs. Originally, Qanqor appointed BGs, negotiating with candidates and consulting with former BGs as the number grew. As Qanqor became less active, the BGs took over, communicating as a group to decide on the new BG.
And now? Well, SuStel, ghunchu’wI’, and I are former BGs. SuStel is certainly the most active. ghunchu’wI’ doesn’t write very often. I do, but I feel as if my resources have waned over the years. I likely should have quit when the majority of others dropped away. There may be other former BGs lurking, but not writing.
I don’t know if Lawrence is active enough to whip up enough interest of former BGs or even Qanqor himself to do this or if some other approach would be preferable. I think we’ve become a bit rudderless. The infrastructure is still here, so we’re still here, but we are certainly less organized than we once were.
> On Jan 7, 2022, at 1:49 PM, Lieven L. Litaer <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:
> Am 07.01.2022 um 18:02 schrieb De'vID:
>> When 'arHa' stepped down, someone *did* volunteer to take over
>> (kechpaja), but nobody confirmed the appointment. If someone volunteers
>> to become the BG, I'm sure this will happen again.
> Well, as this mailing list is part of and organized by the KLI, and the
> BG is appointed by the KLI, I'm sure it's their task to proclaim a new
> BG. I remember from the past where this was a simple message from the
> former BG and also someone of the KLI who wrote "xy now is the new BG".
> I assume the announcement failed in 2017 because that was a time when
> the KLI was les active or had internal organisation problems. I know
> there hae been some changes lately, so I asume it will work better next
> time announcing a BG.
> --
> Lieven L. Litaer
> aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"
> http://www.tlhInganHol.com
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