[tlhIngan Hol] retiring the role of Beginner's Grammarian

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 09:02:30 PST 2022

On Fri, 7 Jan 2022 at 11:54, Lieven L. Litaer <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:

> Am 07.01.2022 um 11:42 schrieb De'vID:
> > but as long as the position exists I hesitate a little bit to answer
> > beginners' questions.
> I think we can simply say that there is no BG currently, so as long as
> there is no active BG, anyone can answer. Maybe one day, someone will
> volunteer to become a BG again. Until then, anyone could answer.

When 'arHa' stepped down, someone *did* volunteer to take over (kechpaja),
but nobody confirmed the appointment. If someone volunteers to become the
BG, I'm sure this will happen again. Without a formal procedure, and if the
majority of people on the mailing list just don't care about it, any
volunteers for the position are just going to get ignored.

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