[tlhIngan Hol] QIp DIvI' Holqoq

Will Martin willmartin2 at mac.com
Fri Jan 7 06:54:25 PST 2022

juplI’ yIchoSQo’! = Don’t desert your friends!

bIQ Hutlh Deb. = The desert lacks water.

‘uQ DaSop. ghIq chab DaSopDI’ wanI’vamvaD chabvam Dellu'meH pong ghaj DIvI’ Hol: “dessert”.

DIvI’ Hol jatlhlu'DI'’ teSvaD nIb <<choS>> “dessert” je.

DIvI’ Hol ghItlhlu’DI’ mInvaD nIb <<choS>> <<Deb>> je.

tu’HomI’raH ‘oH DIvI’ Hol’e’.

Three homonyms. Two are homographs. Two are homophones. They aren’t the same two.


charghwI’ ‘utlh
(ghaH, ghaH, -Daj)

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