[tlhIngan Hol] retiring the role of Beginner's Grammarian

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 02:42:49 PST 2022

As I've noted in the previous emails, the BG role has been vacant since
'arHa' stepped down in 2017. Based on the conversation in the Discord
server, it seems that the BG is no longer needed, as the original problem
it was intended to solve, which was to prevent beginners posting to the
mailing list being flooded with too many (and possibly wrong or
contradictory) replies, no longer exists. I think this is mostly due to the
world (esp. the younger generation) having moved on from email, and partly
because we know a lot more about Klingon grammar and vocabulary than in the
early days of the mailing list and so there isn't as much room for
contradictory answers.

Does anyone object to formally retiring the role? There doesn't seem to be
any procedures for electing anyone, and maybe it's just me, but as long as
the position exists I hesitate a little bit to answer beginners' questions.

(The Klingon solution to my hesitation would of course be to declare myself
the Last Beginner's Grammarian, challenge any objectors to a duel to the
death, and then answer beginners' questions from then on without hesitation
because of the ancient ritual of {jangmeH DIb}.)

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