[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: SonchIy
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Feb 22 08:30:26 PST 2022
Klingon Word of the Day for Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Klingon word: SonchIy
Part of speech: noun
Definition: death ritual (for a leader)
Source: ADD
(KGT 65): the painstik, {'oy'naQ} ... is nonetheless usually used ceremonially, playing an important role in ... the {SonchIy}, a ceremony associated with a leader's death.
The {SonchIy} is a special death ritual confirming the death of a leader as part of the Rite of Succession to leadership of the High Council: the challengers [and the Arbiter of Succession?] confront the corpse and issue the ritual {no’ Hol} challenge {Qab jIH nagil} “Face me if you dare” before poking it with a painstik. If there is no reaction, the Arbiter (?) replies, {SonchIy} (*Sonchi*, [lit. "He is dead" according to The Star Trek Encyclopedia [1994]).
Although we have no Klingon examples I suspect {lop} "observe/celebrate (a ritual)" is used to describe the action, as in this reference to the {Heghtay} :
Heghtay lulop latlh tlhInganpu'. Heghtay luloptaHvIS chaH chaq bey SeQ lujach
other Klingons may perform a ceremonial howl or yell as part of the Klingon
death ritual. (SkyBox S31)
Heghbat ritual suicide (n) [TNG "Ethics"]
Heghtay death ritual (n) [TNG "The Bonding"]
'aQvoH rite of watching over a fallen warrior's body (n) [DS9 "The Ship"]
yejquv DevwI' Leader of the High Council (n)
Heghpu'wI' dead (person) (n)
cho' 'oDwI' Arbiter of Succession (n)
lom corpse (n)
'oy'naQ painstik (n)
nol funeral (n)
pel'aQ coffin (n)
nev’aQ sarcophagus [simple] (n)
nebeylI’ sarcophagus [fancy] (n)
Son relieve (v)
cho' succeed [to authority] (v)
gheS assume duties of, take on responsibilities (v)
Sugh install [in office] (v)
Deq be erstwhile, former, prior, ex- (v)
Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
Please contribute relevant vocabulary or notes from the last
year or two. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.
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