[tlhIngan Hol] clipped klingon formal or informal
sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Feb 16 06:29:35 PST 2022
On 2/16/2022 6:47 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> SuStel:
> > I would expect all kinds of ceremonies, religious or otherwise, to use
> > full Klingon: not only unclipped, but also with fewer nouns turning into
> > pronouns and dropped pronouns
> So, if I understand this correctly, when you say "with fewer nouns
> turning into pronouns", you mean that in the Melkor example, you'd
> expect someone to use more "Melkor" than {SoH}/{ghaH} when referring
> to him. And by saying "dropped pronouns" you mean that you'd expect
> someone to avoid using {SoH}/{ghaH} whenever referring to the god
> being worshipped, right?
Nothing so blatant. I just mean that formal language is a little less
quick to take shortcuts, and I believe Klingon is no different in that
regard. Formal language is usually also aesthetically pleasing language,
so I would expect it to avoid cumbersome repetition of nouns and
pronouns too. It's an art, not a science.
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