[tlhIngan Hol] Time elements and *qaStaHvIS*, continuous and perfective aspect
luis.chaparro at web.de
luis.chaparro at web.de
Fri Feb 25 13:25:45 PST 2022
>> charghwI':
>>> Since you don’t mention what it is you are enduring, another option for your bonus question would be:
>>> ‘ewropngan’e’ masIQ.
>>> As for Europeans, we endure.
>> I was referring to the sentence I was discussing at the beginning of this thread, *poH nI' bov chep wISIQpu' 'ewropngan*. But your approach is a really interesting one when you don't need an object. Thank you!
> Do we endure Europeans? Are we Europeans? Do we just not like the word 'ewropngan and endure its utterance? This sentence doesn't say.
Sorry, I understand the ambiguity if the prefix used were *DI-*, but is this ambiguity also present with the prefix *ma-*?
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