[tlhIngan Hol] {-Daq} and {-bogh} and {Sumbogh} and {Hopbogh}

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Feb 2 11:15:54 PST 2022

On 2/2/2022 1:59 PM, Will Martin wrote:
> Relative Clause in English has two forms:
> 1. Parenthetical:
> 2. Indicative:

Also known as restrictive and nonrestrictive relative clauses. It may be 
easier to look up information on them using these terms.

> This is why it doesn’t work to add other Type 5 suffixes to a Head 
> Noun. Likely, the Type 5 suffix is intended to be just for the 
> Relative Clause… unless it was intended to be just for the Main 
> Clause… and there is no way to differentiate, and then you have to 
> consider that the Type 5 has an effect on word order which might not 
> work that well for either the Relative Clause or the Main Clause…

Yes, you can use other type 5 suffixes on the head noun, provided those 
suffixes apply in the main sentence, not the relative clause.

*'u' SepmeyDaq Sovbe'lu'bogh lenglu'meH He ghoSlu'bogh retlhDaq 'oHtaH* 
(Skybox 99)

The first relative clause, not placed in the main sentence, would be 
*'u' Sepmey Sovbe'lu'bogh*/unknown regions of the universe/ (notice, 
however, the erroneous lack of a *lu-*). If we call that noun phrase 
*X,* then the entire purpose clause is *XDaq lenglu'meH*/in order to 
travel to X./ That *-Daq* is being put onto the head noun of the 
relative clause, the noun-noun construction *'u' Sepmey*/regions of the 
universe*.*/**We know that the *-Daq* cannot apply to the relative 
clause itself, because then *'u' Sepmey* could not be the head noun, 
leaving only the word *Sovbe'lu'bogh* in the relative clause — no head 
noun available.

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