[tlhIngan Hol] Beginner's text and questions

luis.chaparro at web.de luis.chaparro at web.de
Wed Feb 16 04:41:42 PST 2022

'ewrop DIvI' 'oHtaH'a' 'ewrop DIvI''e'?

cha' 'ewrop tu'lu' jatlhlu': 'ewrop mIp, 'ewrop mIpbe' je. jIjatlh loS 'ewrop tu'lu': qen Ser ghoSlI'bogh 'ewrop'e', pa'logh ghoSlI'bogh 'ewrop'e' je tu'choHlu'pu'.

poH nI' bov chep wIyInpu' 'ewropngan. taH'eghmoHbe' Ser, roj, nuv DIbmey je 'e' wIlIjpu'. luQannIslu' 'e' wIlIjpu'. ngoy' Hoch rewbe', potlh je ta'mey mach.

As always, I would appreciate any help / correction in order to improve my Klingon. I also have four short questions:

1. With *'oHtaH* I was trying to render the idea of *still be*. Is it right?
2. No problem with *-lu'* being used without object or with intransitive verbs, right?
3. Can we put other suffixes between *tu'* and *lu'* when meaning *there is/are* like in *tu'choHlu'pu'*?
4. I was having some difficulties when trying to render ideas like *in ordinary situations*, *in daily life* etc., because *-Daq* can only be used when referring to a real location. How could I say that?

Thank you!

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